How To Repair Door Frame Termite Damage (and When You Need a Professional)

Door frame termite damage can look like these marks on wood that resemble a maze.

Door frame termite damage can be a big hassle for your home, whether you want to repair it yourself, or it’s bad enough that you need to call in professionals for replacements. Termites cause over $5 billion in damage every year. Did you know that termites were around even when dinosaurs roamed the planet? Termites have been in existence for over 120 million years, but what matters is that right now, they could be damaging your home.

Today, termites are some of the most problematic pests for homeowners. Some types of termites’ colonies grow rapidly. Since they are also hard to detect, it is easy for them to cause thousands of dollars in damage to homes. The good news is that sometimes you can fix door frame termite damage and other types of termite damage yourself. On the other hand, sometimes the damage is so extensive that you need to get a new door installed

In this blog post, you will learn how to identify signs of termite damage. You will also learn what to do about damage to door frames and when you need the assistance of a professional.

Identifying Termite Damage

Many homeowners wonder if their damaged wood is from termites or some other cause. If your damage is from termites, you will need to to address the infestation before making repairs or replacements. Since termites can cause such extensive damage, always call pest control professionals to handle infestations. After all, it does not make sense to get everything looking good again when the termites are still there to destroy it all over again.

So, how can you distinguish between door frame termite damage and wood rot? These are some ways to know that you have termite damage. Keep in mind that it is possible to have both wood rot and termite damage simultaneously, and make a careful assessment.

Pest Evidence

While not all people see the actual pests, others may see stray termites or swarms. If you have termites, you can usually see some signs of them. Shed wings and dirt tubes along the foundation are a couple signs. You may hear unusual sounds in the walls as well, including clicking, rustling, buzzing, or rattling noises. There may also be piles of frass, or excrement, that look like coffee grounds, dirt or sawdust. 

Wood Appearance

With termite damage, you might not notice anything about the outside of the wood, but there may be tunnels inside the wood, giving the appearance of a maze. You may notice that the wood sounds hollow when you knock on it. There may be holes in your furniture or walls as well. 

Rotting wood looks a little different. It might appear wet or may feel damp to the touch, but dry wood can also rot. The damaged area may be large and easy to see from the outside of the wood. Also, rotting wood tends to shrink. When you touch rotting wood, it may feel spongy or fall apart. It may show signs of fungus and may have an odor to it.

What Areas of The Country Are Prone to Termites

Another factor you might consider when you’re wondering if you have termites is whether your area is prone to them.  It’s possible to find termites anywhere in the United States. However, for those of us located in the South, termites are more common here. Fortunately, if you find yourself in need of a replacement door and your home is in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, or Florida, Acadian Windows installs doors in your state.

For example, Formosan subterranean termites are some of the most common structural pests in New Orleans, and they are very aggressive termites. These pests have damaged many homes in New Orleans. A colony can easily contain more than 1 million termites.For professional New Orleans door replacement, Acadian Windows is ready to help.

When Is Termite Damage Fixable?

Once you know you have door frame termite damage, the next step is determining if you can fix it. The size of the infestation and the extent of damage are key considerations. If you have minor damage, you can usually fix it yourself. For example, if there are a few areas with small holes, you can probably fix them. 

If the entire frame is damaged and weakened, it is better to call a professional. Also, professional help is better if you do not have the right tools or do not feel comfortable chiseling damaged wood. If you suspect structural problems, you may need to get a replacement rather than repairing.

How To Fix Door Frame Termite Damage

Are you ready to make your frame look better? Once the termite infestation is gone, you can start fixing the wood. It is important to address the issue promptly, so follow these steps to fix minor door frame termite damage.

Choose the Right Wood Filler or Hardener

After sanding or chiseling out the damaged wood, you will need a wood filler. If the wood looks soft or splintered, you can also use a filler or hardener to reinforce it. You can find these products online or at home improvement stores. Spend some time reading reviews and product recommendations to find the right product for your preferences. Keep in mind that some wood fillers may crack in warm and humid places like Louisiana.

As you consider products, also think about your aesthetic goals. Do you want to paint over your work or stain the wood when you finish? Some fillers come in colors that match popular types of wood. 

Gather Your Work Supplies

Choose a protective coating as a sealant for your finished project. You will need a roller or paintbrush to apply it. To prepare the wood, you will need a sanding tool and a chisel. You will also need a putty knife. Be sure to get the right safety gear as well. It’s a good idea to wear goggles to protect your eyes from flying splinters. Also, make sure you have some work gloves to protect your hands. You may also want to use earplugs if you use power tools.

Prepare the Wood

Make sure that your work area has ample natural or artificial light. After you put on your safety gear, start chiseling the areas of damaged wood. It is common to see splintering or small, jagged holes. If the damaged wood was exposed to moisture, there may be some softened areas to remove. Sand the chiseled areas and any other surface damage. The goal is to make the area smoother before you use filler. 

Read and Follow the Wood Filler and Wood Hardener Products’ Instructions

Before you start working, be sure you know any important details about the filler and the wood hardener and how to use them together, if applicable.  Make sure you follow the directions to get the result you want. 

Sand and Cover

After your hardener and filler are dry, lightly sand the door frame to make the surface smoother. Apply your chosen protective coating to seal your work. You may also stain or paint the door frame if needed. 

Keep in mind that all of these tips are for when the termites have not done structural damage. While wooden beams can sometimes be used to strengthen areas that need support, if you think there may be a structural issue, it’s time to call a professional for help.

Is It Possible To Strengthen Wood With Severe Damage?

Strengthening wood with severe damage is not a simple task. If there is considerable damage that the wood hardener cannot solve, another option is reinforcing it. However, it is not something that you should attempt if you are not an experienced contractor or carpenter. Replacing the frame is a task that professionals should handle. Installing frames correctly requires precision that comes from experience, as well as the right tools, for the sake of your home and for your own safety.

When To Replace a Damaged Door

You may be able to fix minor damage on exterior doors with wood hardener or filler. However, doors and door frames that sound hollow may have extensive termite damage below the wood’s surface and may need to be replaced. If the door has extensive splintering or cracking, it should be replaced. In some cases, it can be hard to determine the extent of the damage. You may be wondering if it is fixable, or if you should just order a replacement door. A professional can inspect the door and recommend the next steps, including installing a new door if needed. 

Contact The Best Door Replacement Experts in New Orleans

Do you have extensive door or door frame termite damage? If you need one or more doors replaced because of severe damage, you are not alone. 

For prompt and professional door installation, please get in touch with the Acadian Windows team. We can remove your damaged door and install a new one to make your home look even more beautiful. Our team will be happy to discuss your needs with you and explain our financing options. For door installation across the Gulf South, contact Acadian Windows today.